Frequently Asked Question

User not receiving password reset email
Last Updated 9 months ago

If a user requests a password reset email but it doesn't arrive, there are 3 typical causes:

1. The user may not have an account on JA Campus. Some users created an account on a Charter website without realizing that it is not the same as their JA Campus account. This does not apply to Charters using Salesforce Experience Cloud for their login.

2. The user may not have activated their account. An account that hasn't been activated by clicking on the link in the initial activation email cannot receive a password reset. If the activation email was caught by a spam filter and sent to spam, the user may not be aware of the issue. They can either look in their SPAM folder for the email or send an email to to have their account manually activated.

3. The password reset email may be going to SPAM instead of their Inbox. In this case, they can look for it in their SPAM folder, or request a password reset by sending an email to

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